Thursday, March 4, 2010

How much I have to pay for a job?

After reading the given article, the first thought that came to my mind was, what I would do if faced by a similar situation. Well for me the answer was simple. I would simply resign from the firm. It seems from the story that the relationship between Pritam and Jagruti was an honest one. So if this thing gets blown in an office environment, there is no way a person can perform his regular duties as routine. The self-consciousness will always hang above his head. This will seriously hamper anyone efficiency. The promise to avoid any romantic relationship within the organization also seems to be alluring to me.
But coming out of the effects of the situation which the individual would face, I would like to talk about the primary promise an employee makes before joining any organization. If I could sum up an employment contract, then majority of them will start more so the same as follows: “The Employee agrees that during the Employment Period he shall devote his full or substantial business time to the business affairs of the Company and shall perform his duties faithfully, efficiently and in full capacity.” . Well this promise makes it binding to an employee that he does not indulge in any romantic relationships during hours meant for business affairs. So since we have already promised that, what is the use of signing another contract?
Regarding the question of sexual harassment, as many of my friends have suggested that, a relationship does not mean that this possibility is ruled out. But from an employer’s point of view, it would be unfair to ridicule such an act. Everyone should cover its back and avoid any legal consequences. But to forcefully make an employee sign such a contract is not justifiable. Even after six years of service in the company, it is unfair that Pritam was being forced to sign such contract. The approach could have been a more subtle way. The fact that Pritam being a senior employee and aspiring for a bright future in the organization, if given a chance to do so, he would have taken a wise decision in favor of both the parties.

1 comment:

Sumit Gupta (U109142) said...

I agree with Adersh, when he says that if such things get blown in an office environment, a person will not be able to concentrate. Obviously, anyone who is serious about the relationship would not like to get such a publicity. Now consider another situation in which a couple signs the "Love Contract" and for some reasons they decide to separate their ways after a couple of months and in near future, one or both of them get involved in a relationship with some another colleague of theirs. In that case, will the employer keep on chasing the employees regarding who is in relationship with whom and whom not. And just how many such "Love Contracts" will have to be signed. I agree that employer needs to safeguard himself from any fallout, but wont it be sensible to include one such clause in the general agreement signed at the beginning of the employment?