Pritam Singh received a call from the GM HR of Intermediaries Technologies Ltd for an urgent meeting with him in his chamber. While he was rushing to the office of GM (HR), he squeezed his brain to get the reason for this meeting. Am I going to be fired? Or is it that the long standing promotion is to be announced leading to an onsite opportunity? Unable to decide, he knocked the door of GM(HR) looking through glass pane.
He noticed that somebody was sitting facing the GM(HR). It did not take much time for him to figure out that it was Jagruti. Before he could knock the door, the GM said, “Come in, Pritam… We are waiting for you…” He did not know as how to start the conversation. He mumbled, “Sir, you wanted to meet me, I suppose…”
“Yes Pritam, take your seat. In fact, I wanted to meet both of you. That’s why I called you”
Pritam took the corner seat so as to avoid sitting in the middle seat next to Jagruti. He was unable to decode the purpose of the meeting and looked at Jagruti for answers. But Jagruti was indifferent to his visit and looking at the portrait hanging on the wall.
GM HR looked into his eyes and asked, “Pritam, how long you have been with Intermediaries Technologies?”
“Six years Sir…”
“I hope you are aware that your name is being considered for Senior Manager HR for our Detroit Office?”
“Yes Sir, I heard from my boss…”
“You really want to be promoted?”
Pritam did not know as how to answer.
“Why Sir? Is there any problem?”
GM(HR) did not answer his question but went ahead and said, “if you really want to be promoted, you will have to sign this agreement. Jagruti has already signed it.”
Pritam was bewildered after hearing this statement. He was speechless. As a HR Manager, Pritam had administered many contracts for various employees and got their signature. But he never came across a situation, where two employees were asked to sign on the same agreement.
Pritam asked meekly, “What is this agreement Sir?”
GM(HR) said, “I prefer that you sign the agreement first and read it at your leisure. It’s self explanatory. Or later you can get to know from Jagruti.”
Pritam said, “But Sir, I want to know first as what is there in the agreement before signing it.”
Jagruti was looking into his eyes and sensing from her facial cues, Pritam felt as if she was signaling him to sign the agreement. He could not understand as what was going on.
He said, “Sir, Sorry for questioning you. But I really don’t know what is happening. I feel like you are up for a mind game. If could explain me as what the problem is, we could discuss and resolve. I really don’t know as how my promotion and signing this agreement are related.”
GM (HR) looked at him with a fire in his eyes and said, “So, you don’t want to sign the agreement. Well. Then, we have only one choice left with us.”
Pritam asked, “What is it, Sir?”
“One of you have to resign from Intermediaries Technologies. I prefer Jagruti puts down her paper before Six O’ Clock.”
When he said this, Pritam could see that tears welling up in her eyes and rolled down on the cheeks of Jagruti. He could now understand as why Jagruti was all along silent and could somehow guess the reason for the meeting.
Pritam as a part of HR team has always enjoyed the fun of recruiting people especially the young college graduates. The recruitment team members, including male and female colleagues, always used to comment looking at the photographs of prospective recruits and derive immense happiness about discussing the characteristics of the candidates turned up for interviews.
Two years back, Pritam recruited Jagruti as a senior software engineer and the day he interviewed her along with his colleagues, he felt a kind of rare intimacy with her which he never felt with anybody during his career spanning almost 8 years in field of HR in his previous organization and also here in Intermediaries Technologies. He felt that there was something special with her.
The subsequent interaction with her while facilitating her placement within the organization as a HR manager and during various other occasions, Pritam found that both of them tried to engage in “sweet nothings” sort of conversations. They slowly started exchanging sms, talked over mobile for long hours, bought expensive gifts for birthdays, and hugged each other during office parties shedding inhibitions.
Now sitting in the office of GM(HR), Pritam realized that this meeting was about their personal relationship and could not understand as why the GM(HR) should poke his nose into their affair. Moreover, he wanted to know as what was written in the agreement and why did Jagruti sign the agreement without consulting him.
In an act of jiffy, he picked up the agreement and started glancing through the page. The GM(HR) raised his voice to protest his move, “Pritam, do you know what you are doing?”
Pritam replied, “Wait a minute, Sir. I am not doing any crime. I am just reading to decide whether to sign it or not” and continued to read the agreement. It read,
Dating and Relationship Agreement
We i.e., Pritam Singh (HR Manager) and Jagruti Patel (Senior Software Engineer) employees of Intermediaries Technologies Ltd., hereby acknowledge that we have entered into a romantic relationship.
We understand that Intermediaries Technologies Ltd is an equal opportunity employer committed to a discrimination and / or harassment free workplace. By signing this “Dating and Relationship Agreement” we declare openly and explicitly that ours is a voluntary relationship of mutual consensus and we both of us guarantee that our relationship would not in any slightest possible way affect our performance in our jobs directly or indirectly and promise to avoid any romantic and / or sexual behavior within the organization.
We also assure the management that in no way our reporting relationship would be influenced by personal romantic relationship and we would always strive hard to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations of Intermediaries Technologies Ltd avoiding any possible misunderstanding, moral, ethical, and social problems such as favoritism, nepotism, corruption, sexual harassment etc.,
In case, the management of Intermediaries Technologies Ltd concludes that we fail to adhere to the company code of conduct for employees due to this personal romantic relationship, we understand that it is appropriate and legitimate for the management of Intermediaries Technologies Ltd to take disciplinary action against both of us and discharge either of us or both of us from the services of Intermediaries Technologies Ltd.
Signaure: ________________________ (Pritam Sing, HR Manager)
Signature: ________________________ (Jagruti Patel, Senior Software Engineer)