Sunday, February 28, 2010

Promote Love not Contracts

While going through the posts of my friends a lot has been discussed about whether love contracts are necessary in an organization and what purpose do they solve? Rather than concentrating on the same fact I would like to present a different perspective by saying that today more and more employees are meeting their better parts in the same organization they work. Although romance during office hours or public display of affection can cause problems for human resources departments, marriages and relationships that transform into commitments for lifetime can add stability and even productivity to an employee’s life. So, can employers actively promote the institution of marriage within the organization?

Everyone considers a good married life as an incentive for increased employee efficiency and performance, hence every organization should encourage employee relationships rather than having love contracts to restrict any sort of romance between co-workers. But, is it right or wrong for an organization to promote marriage? Should an employer endorse marriage or is it not the right of an employer to meddle in the personal life of its employees?

The main purpose of an employer is to introduce a love contract has been to draw certain guidelines to keep employees from public display of affection, either of the employees can end their relationship anytime at their own wish and the company wouldn’t have any liability in case of any charge of sexual harassment. I don't believe a love contract is a solution for the litigation issue as employees can easily claim in court that they were forced to sign the contact by the employer. Hence an organization must try and promote relationships within it so that the performance of the employees increases rather than making the atmosphere ugly.

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