Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Balancing equities.

Though I have no issues with allowing employees certain amount of freedom as far as heart matters are concerned, but in this case, I feel, Pritam hired Jagruti partly due to a soft corner for her. According to the story, it can be safely assumed that this is a clear case of bias and favoritism from the start. Moreover, the way it has been portrayed…

The recruitment team members, including male and female colleagues, always used to comment looking at the photographs of prospective recruits and derive immense happiness about discussing the characteristics of the candidates turned up for interviews.”

This itself is making a mockery of the system. It’s about the career of a person and deriving inhumane pleasure from commenting on their physical appearance even before having a look at them in interviews is itself against all virtues. As far as Pritam is concerned, I feel he recruited Jagruti and then slowly made advances towards her by making personal conversations on the pretext of professional training. Though I do not rule out the fact that the article may provide us incomplete information about their relationship, but still there is enough evidence to prove that Pritam needs to draw a line between his vested interests and the interests of his employer. He has to analyze his duties to the firm first before pursuing his own pleasures. Also given the fact that he is being offered a promotion, there is more responsibility that he will be expected to take up, so from that point of view also it is justified to arm-twist him by making him sign the Love Contract so that he doesn’t indulge in such liberal practices in future. The whole situation has been deftly handled by the GM(HR) as when he asks Jagruti to resign in case Pritam doesn’t sign the contract, as her recruitment itself is a result of Pritamnot balancing equities”. So I feel it is perfectly justified for the GM(HR) to take action in the way he did.


Abhijoy Dasgupta said...

"As far as Pritam is concerned, I feel he recruited Jagruti and then slowly made advances towards her by making personal conversations on the pretext of professional training."

Thats a very strong statement and i dont see any evidence of it in the story. It talks about a "rare" intimacy and where did "Advances" come into the picture. If the same words were used in a story or a novel would your take be the same.

Predictably "NO"

Sushma Rao said...

I would like to point out that, usually in a firm, there are various levels of interviews. A person may have to clear at least 2 - 3 rounds of interviews before being offered a job. Hence, we can assume that Jagruti was cleared by another panel of interviewers as well, before she got her offer letter. Of course, Pritam could have told the other panelists to give her the green signal.

Also, Jagruti was in the company for nearly 2 years. This itself proves that she was competent enough. Also, no where in the case is it stated that Pritam took her just because he felt that she was special. In fact, he found that both of them indulged in "sweet nothings". Hence, it can hardly be construed that Pritam slowly made advances towards Jagruti on the pretext of professional training.