Sunday, January 10, 2010

Who's got the Power?

I feel that the individual is not always at the receiving end and has a fair share of bargaining power depending on the various situations.Let us first look at it from a perspective when the organizations are on a hiring spree and they are in a desperate need of employees. In that scenario the demand is more than the supplyand the employee has enough power to bargain whereas during tough times its the other way round. If we draw this analogy to the Darell Hair case, we see that he has been terminated from his services. The rationale behind his bargain is that he has served the cricketing community for a pretty long duration and has been on the elite umpire list for quite some time. Moreover, it is very difficult to prove the allegations against him as the decisions taken on the cricket ground are always subject to individual perception at that point in time.However, ICC being the employer has every right to discontinue the services based on certain grounds as stated in the contract.I personally feel that Darell Hair bargaining power was based on self interest and also beacuse of reasons which he feels might not be sufficient
enough to prove his incompetency and subsequent termination.

Yes, I would be able to make a similar non negotiable offer to my employer at a certain point in time.This bargaining will be based on the following suppositions:-
1. If I feel that the employer is paying me less than the industry standards.
2. If I feel that I am underpaid based on the nature of the job and also the expertise needed for that job.For eg.- If I am in an IT firm and working on a niche tool in a very critical project which needs long hours of services for a considerable amount of time, then I will definitely expect some kind of incentive in addition to my package.
3. If the employer neglects or fails to appreciate the work done by me and thereby mitigating my chances to grow in the organization though fulfilling the salary demands.

If I were to receive a one time non negotiable offer from my employee, I would like to handle it in a very subtle manner. I would try to analyze the issue and find out whether the demands of the employee have any rational base or not. If they are indeed rational, then I would weigh the pros and cons of the demands that is look into it from both the sides and then come to a conclusion.I would also like to discuss the issue with my fellow colleagues before coming to any kind of conclusion. My discussions with my fellow colleagues would ensure complete anonymity which discards the chances of any personal biases.This will basically ensure that the decision was taken based on the opinion of group of senior employees and not a standalone one.

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