Friday, January 29, 2010

Latent power

As mostly discussed in this blog, most of us believe that heroes are at a better position to negotiate a deal than ordinary persons. In other words a person has to be an influential personality in his organization to have a better bargaining power. But there can be interesting cases where an employee has a huge bargaining power without he himself knowing about it. That’s what I meant by ‘latent power’ of bargaining. Here’s a small experience…
A lady complaints to the HR about one of her team mate’s continuous misbehaviour. She could also provide enough evidence to convince the HR head about what she was saying. The HR was furious and wanted to see this particular person out of the company. But the manager felt that this person is a vital resource and that he would be in trouble if this person leaves. So, the manager bargained with the HR on his behalf. Nothing happened to the employee. He never even came to know that there had been a complaint against him in the HR. On the contrary, the lady was made to change her team and was shifted to some other team. This employee was not a big hero…but of course, he had a hero who could strike the deal for him!

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