Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Employees...These Bonds are ACTUALLY to keep your quicksilver mind at rest. It’s a Blessing in Disguise for you.”

The world is changing fast. And so are the people living inside it. Previously people loved to maintain status quo in their lives. A stable decent earning job and a peaceful family life with two kids was all that they demanded. Things are no longer the same.

The hunger does not seem to subside these days. Everybody wants change and demands independence. The ambit of the word "MORE" keeps on widening. Today’s young brigade demand - "Both ways is the only way I want it”. Impatience is the buzzword for them.

Young graduates are quite often fickle-minded and are always on the prowl to switch to better jobs. Switching multiple jobs for higher pay might sound good and is lucrative in the short-term. However, this really damages the long term career prospects of an individual. This is one fact that young professionals find it hard to believe but never the less they learn it the harder way.

A few important aspects of an employment relationship are -

· Trust between the employer and the employee ; and

· Loyalty towards the organization in which one is working.

Trust, Loyalty and honesty towards one's work will always reap rich dividends in the longer-term. This might sound hackneyed but is indeed true. The truth about success and life is that they are actually quite simple; it is we- human beings that make it complex by our actions.

If we look closely at the employment bonds, they are mainly stipulated for management and graduate trainees. More mature and senior employees do not require these kinds of stipulations as they very well understand the importance of commitment towards one’s organization. Yuppies these days generally have an erratic behaviour and do not like anything that puts restriction on their freedom and movement. "Anything" may be family, relationships, spouse and even Employment Bonds.

Signing of an Employment Bond is the Commitment with the employer to stay with the organization for a specified period. And these days, Commitment has indeed become a rare commodity. Employers have no choice but to come up with a framework like this to overcome the unstable behaviour of their young employees. They are completely justified in taking recourse to Employment Bonds. Otherwise what will happen is that - the employer puts in the efforts to train and groom the trainees and then later sees them joining their competitors.

It’s something like parents providing education to their children and helping them stand up on their own feet. But only to later discover that the child has grown up and leaves them for better avenues in his life.

What young management trainees fail to realise is that Employment Bonds are actually a blessing in disguise. On the face of it, it might seem that they curb an employee’s freedom and restricts his mobility by binding him to the current organization. However, the truth of the matter is that these bonds keep an individual focussed on his work during the early years of his career. It helps him avoid external distractions and keeps him focussed on building on his knowledge and skill base. He learns to face difficult things and overcome adversities. Employment Bonds inculcates in them three virtues (PPC) - Perseverance, Patience and Commitment.

And yet People say – Employment Bonds are harsh and unjust on Employees. Actually the problem is something else. Human beings never understand things- the simple way....they only learn it through a harder and more stringent way.

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