Sunday, March 14, 2010

Do you have a Bond-Aid??

Traditionally IT folks are a very nonchalant, steady and content specie. But there are always a few for whom grass is greener on the other side. They would eye for WisdomSys if they are with chutney computers or would be contemplating a move to a MNC if they are with WisdomSys. There are some who think an IT job is a sheer waste of time and would rather leave it for an MBA from a top notch B-School in India or in the far lands of America. How do you expect a company which has spent(invested) a hefty amount on their recruitment, training and has some serious money riding on them by the virtue of projects they have been assigned to.

More than a money recovering scheme bonds are important to company’s plans as a deterrent to such “ambitious” employees. But the question is - Are they really a deterrent?? If one has to leave and he feels he is leaving for the better then can a bond really stop them? Well… We don’t need to go far, if we just look around we can easily find a number of such people who have broken bonds to pursue their MBA dreams. Some have paid the amount, some haven’t and some haven’t been bothered by their ex-employers much, as the nature of their job made them pretty dispensable and companies knew that recovering a bond amount through legal routes will consume more money than the bond amount itself will provide.

Companies like Wisdom Sys spend a hefty sum per employee on training. It is only fair that they expect their employees to stay for atleast a year with them so that it gives the company a chance to recover the money spent by them(in reality they extract much more than that). The bond in some cases does prevents those employees from leaving who are sick and tired of the company and just want to leave.

Some might argue that bonds are restriction on their right to free movement and all. But one has to realize that when you give your consent to join an organization and use its facilities over a certain period of time without doing anything constructive or money generating for the company then it becomes a moral obligation to pay back the organization by staying for a minimum duration. And for those who don’t have any moral obligation there is this legal one…The name is Bond Employment Bond.

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